Weekly Segment Sunday’s 10.45am
NewstalkZB Sunday Session’s with Francesca Radkin - 10.45am
Naturopath and Wellbeing expert Erin O'Hara joins Francesca Radkin every Sunday at 10.45am to discuss current topics in health and wellbeing. Listen live on NewstalkZB or find the recording on Spotify

Feeling a bit more than just under the weather? What to look for when it comes to Seasonal Affective Disorder
Feeling a bit more than just under the weather? What to look for when it comes to Seasonal Affective Disorder

Good Magazine - Seven Ways to Identify and reduce micro-stressors in your life
Micro-stressors, also known as daily hassles or minor stressors, may seem insignificant at first, but they can have a significant impact on our mental and physical health over time.
These stressors, which may be as simple as your daily chore list in the morning or crunching through emails late at night, can accumulate and lead to burnout or exhaustion, negatively affecting our productivity, mood, and overall well-being.

Sick Of Being Sick? A Naturopath’s Guide to Boosting Your Immune System (And Keeping Your Family Well!) This Spring
It’s SPRING! Huzzah! But, are we out of the woods when it comes to ills and chills? Boost your immune system now with these helpful tips from Naturopath Erin O’Hara.

Good Magazine: How to Break your Addiction to Sugar
Do you have a sweet tooth? Most of us will overindulge at times. The average person eats about 20 teaspoons of sugar per day!! Sugar is addictive and it is difficult to get off sugar, and to stay off it. Naturopath Erin O’Hara explains why we are addicted to sweet foods and how to break your sugar addiction.

Good Magazine - Are plastics affecting your health?
Plastic-free July is a global movement that is working on creating a solution to reduce plastic pollution.
Plastic is polluting our streets, oceans and communities as well as having a huge effect on our health…

Good Magazine - Kundalini Yoga On The Go
Erin O’Hara from Golden Yogi has made it her mission to make Kundalini Yoga more accessible.

Good Magazine - Eight Steps to a Healthier You
Check out Erin’s article in the December 2020 Issue of Good Magazine

The AM Show - Beating the last lull before summer
We've been chugging along in what has been a big year, not to mention we haven't had a public holiday since the start of June and summer still seems so far away.
How do we boost ourselves up and get some fresh energy to get through the next couple of months?
Golden Yogi Founder Erin O'Hara spoke to The AM Show.

VIVA - Why I Switched to a Natural Deodorant
Check out Erin’s feature in the August 2020 Issue of VIVA

NZ Herald - Naturopath reveals how much coffee we should be drinking a day
Starting the day with a big cup of coffee to kick start your energy is so common for many people all around the world - but are we over indulging?
Erin O'Hara, co-founder, director, Naturopath and Yoga Teacher at Golden Yogi, told Andrew Dickens on Newstalk ZB that caffeine can help give clarity of mind, but can also bring on bad side effects should someone stop taking it.

The Self-Love Club - Episode 69- Managing COVID-19 Stress and Coping With Our Current Normal
During these uncertain and unsettling times The Self-Love Club will continue to be a safe place for you. We can navigate through this time together with the community we have built over the past 18 months.
There is going to be a lot of stress and worry for everyone including financial stress, changes with work and income. We will cover the economic impact with an expert in a future episode but at this stage this episode with my Naturopath Erin O’Hara will really help with what we need right now.
In this episode we cover: Managing our stress during COVID-19. How do we do it? Get expert advice and practical tips to manage and reduce our stress and anxiety. The link between our stress and our immunity and ways we can boost our wellbeing.