Golden 'Yogi Tea' Recipe

Yogi tea will give you a natural “high” while your feet stay firmly grounded.  It is a tonic for the nervous system, improves memory, gives you energy, prevents colds and flu, and naturally warms the body.

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Create a Wellness Retreat at Home

Countrywide lockdowns, a slow economy, and a pandemic on your doorstep may have taken a toll on your mental health and lead to stress & anxiety. A lockdown is an ideal time to practice self-care and focus on your well-being to recharge your energy.

It's the wellness weekend you've been needing ~ relaxation, self-care, healthy meals, physical activity, and all your favorite wellness treatments. Retreats allow you to truly unplug, harmonise the body and mind, and recharge your energy. You don’t need to go anywhere to get these benefits and you can create your own wellness retreat at home.

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My Journey to Yoga

There are many different paths to Yoga. And although we all have different journeys, we walk along this path together as a community 🧡Hear from Erin how she found Yoga and what her yoga journey has looked like so far…

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Dreams: Why do we have them and what do they mean?

Everyone dreams every night, yet 95% of dreams are forgotten before we wake in the morning. The ones that are remembered can be entertaining, fun, adventurous, vivid and often bizarre. Yet there is still much about sleep and dreams that remain a mystery for experts. Even the question of why we dream is one yet to be answered. However there are studies that can help us to understand what triggers intense dreams and the health benefits of dreaming.

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How are plastics effecting our hormones and health?

You are likely to be exposed to many plastic products everyday and your everyday life. Nearly everything that we purchase comes in some sort of plastic packaging. Research suggests that all plastics leach chemicals especially if they are scratched or heated. Exposure to these chemicals known as bisphenol A (BPA) can cause disease and cancer.

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8 Self-Care Tips for Busy Mums

Being a mum can be hard work! It is a 24 hour seven day a week commitment. From waking in the night to breastfeed, to picking up kids from school, to having a busy schedule and working; means mums can often get exhausted and burnt out!! It is common for mums to put themselves at the bottom of the list as they are always busy caring and looking after everyone else’s needs before themselves. The mum is the centre-point of the house and their wellbeing is really important to keep the family healthy and happy.

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The down low on Kundalini

Kundalini Yoga is an ancient style of yoga but is relatively new to the Western culture.  Kundalini Yoga is known as "the yoga of awareness," to opens your heart, builds strength and releases the energy located at the base of your spine. Kundalini is without a doubt one of the more spiritual styles of yoga. Kundalini Yoga focuses on breath and movement and challenges it students both physically and mentally.

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