Naturopathic Consultations
Everyone is unique, everybody is different, and every person will benefit from a plan that is tailored to your unique goals, health, and lifestyle objectives. Erin offers customised health plans to overcome and benefit your health and lifestyle, with an integrative and evidence-based approach. We focus on natural alternatives for healing using prescribed targeted herbal medicine, supplements, nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes. A consultation offers you the best chance of tackling a health condition or maximising your health and vitality.

Your Initial Naturopath Consultation
During your initial naturopathic consultation, Erin will discuss your presenting condition, medical history, analyse blood test results, provide nutritional and dietary recommendations, recommend laboratory testing, and provide you with the outline of a health plan.
Before Your First Visit
Prior to your scheduled visit, we ask you to complete the naturopath Health Assessment Form provided. The information you provide helps us properly assess your health requirements. The form acts as a skeleton for the detailed history that will be obtained from you during your initial visit. If required please bring copies of labwork or imaging to be reviewed.
Please remember to bring with you:
Your completed health history assessment (or complete online)
All medications and supplements you are taking (or please note down the products with the brand and dosage).
Any recent relevant lab results, medical notes, etc.
Included in your Initial Consultation
60 minutes of uninterrupted time with the practitioner.
A detailed review of medical history and current symptoms.
Physical exam and review of laboratory testing.
A customised Health Plan for your health condition - emailed to you after the consultation
Your customised Health Plan could include:
Nutritional plan.
Supplement & Herbal Medicine regimen with descriptions and dosing of each.
Healthy lifestyle recommendations: Sleep Hygiene plan, Stress Management plan, Allergy management plan, etc.
Erin O'Hara is a Bachelor qualified Naturopath, Medical Herbalist & Nutritionist registered with Naturopaths and Medical Herbalists of New Zealand (NMHNZ). Southern Cross Health Insurance and Accuro Health Insurance recognises all NMHNZ registered practitioners to be eligible for cover when Naturopathy and Nutrition is included in your insurance plan. Please contact your provider to find out more about what your plan covers.