My Journey to Yoga
What initially brought you to Yoga?
I started yoga when I was 18 years old while at university. I was recovering from chronic illness and yoga was part of my healing and rebalancing of the body. When I first started yoga I experienced different styles of yoga before becoming committed to the Ashtanga Yoga practise while I lived in Taupo. Then as I evolved and travelled the world racing professional triathlon through my mid-20s I discovered Kundalini Yoga while living in LA. From the first class of Kundalini Yoga I loved it and wanted to learn more. Kundalini Yoga was so different from Ashtanga and I love the focus on pranayama, chanting, and meditation. Two weeks later I signed up for teacher training.
What does Yoga mean to you?
Yoga is a journey of union. It brings the body, mind, and spirit together into synchronicity. The movement of yoga tunes up the body and energy flow to prepare you for deep meditation. Through our yoga practice it transforms us from the ordinary world and brings us into connection with our higher self.

What is your favourite yoga pose and why?
Spinal flex. This posture is a great way to tune up the spine both physically and energetically. A great warm-up posture and preparation for meditation
How do you incorporate Yoga into your daily life?
Every day I start my day with a yoga and meditation practice early in the morning. The practice of sadhana (spiritual daily discipline) allows me to go deeper within myself through the consistency of practice. The morning practice tunes me up for the day ahead to be centred and full of energy. Yoga is also more than just the physical practice of yoga and meditation but a way of life. The Yamas are how you behave within society - nonviolence, nonstealing, truth, and unattachment. And Niyamas are personal observances - cleanliness, contentment, self-study / personal growth, and surrendering. These are the foundations for living as a yogi and creating peace within the world.